"Scrooge's Global Soirée" is an artistic painting featuring the world-famous character Scrooge in an elegant red suit and blue hat. Iconic landmarks such as the Eiffel Tower and the head of the Statue of Liberty can be seen in the background, highlighting the global reach and cultural diversity of the painting. The acrylic painting on canvas is done in vibrant and luxurious hues that create an atmosphere of exclusivity and worldliness.
Nicoleta Gallery Berlin
Kantstrasse 17 - 3rd floor
10623 Berlin
Opening hours
Tuesday to Saturday: 2:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Sunday & Monday: closed
Phone: 49 151 62 99 69 699
E-mail: nicoalbei@live.de
Payment Methods
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All rights reserved | Nicoleta Albei-Wigger